Onsite Chair Massage NJ services include corporate office and special events mobile chair massage. Contact me to come to your business or office for your employees’ monthly wellness massages or just to show them how much you appreciate them. Let me help with the tension and stress in their neck, traps and lower back that they accumulate on a daily basis from sitting at the desk and working at the computer all day long.
What Occurs During a Corporate Office Chair Massage?
- The day of the event, I meet with a contact person who then shows me where to set up.
- I arrive fifteen minutes before the start time.
- An unused office or board room is more than adequate.
- Chair massage focuses on the upper body with attention going to the neck, shoulders, back, arms and hands.
- The client sits in a massage chair facing forward with the head in a face cradle; completely supported and comfortable.
- I provide everything needed; massage chair, disposable face cradles, hand sanitizer, soothing massage music and aromatherapy.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to remove clothing?
No removal of clothing is necessary because no lotions or oils are used.
How long do chair massages last?
Chair massage sessions can last anywhere between five and 60 minutes, but the most popular time slots are 10,15, 20 and 30-minute sessions! This works best for the client as well as the employer.
How much space is needed?
Not much space is needed at all. Just a small area would be awesome to get situated. I can set up just about anywhere and in very little time.